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Sinus Problems? No Problem At All
Big Grin 
[size=4][b]Sinusitis - Sinus Problems? No Problem At All[/b][/size][hr]
Quote:We all know how it feels. We've felt the pain. The pressure builds until you think you can't handle it any more. Your head feels like it's twice its normal size and ready to burst. You know what I'm talking about: Sinus problems and sinus infections; whatever you'd like to call them. They can really make your life miserable for weeks at a time, especially during the winter months. Sinusitis, most commonly known as sinus infection, happens when the sinuses get blocked and mucus and air cannot flow freely through them. Here's a statistic to think about: 30% of all people suffer from sinusitis at least once a year. Put that in perspective and that means about 1.8 billion people suffer from one sinus infection or another during the year. This includes those who suffer short term (acute: 1-3 weeks), long term (chronic: 3-8 weeks) and recurrent (multiple times throughout the year) sinus problems. :o.

[size=large][b]Sinus Infection Symptoms can Hit You in a Number of Ways[/b][/size][hr]They include: - Fever - Headache - Runny nose or nasal congestion - Cough - Ear ache or ear infection - Swelling around the eyes - Upper jaw and tooth ache - Tenderness around nose, ear, and cheeks - Weakness or fatigue The length of an article is rather immaterial about its response from people. People are more interested in the matter about Nasal Congestion, and not length.

None of those are fun to experience; you have places to be, people to see, and things to do. You can't afford to be sick for lengthy periods of time. If you're part of that 30%, then you would probably like to know what you can do to prevent sinus infections from making your life a mess for weeks at a time. Simple activities, using a humidifier, and regularly cleansing nasal passages are a few good ways that can help decrease sinus infection symptoms. These symptoms can also be combated by using a nasal spray to clean, flush, and kill the harmful bacteria out of your nasal passages and sinus cavities. The more interesting an article, the more takers there are for the article. So we have made it a point to make this article on Sinusitis as interesting as possible!

[size=large][b]Personally, Sinus Headaches Make Me Want to Die[/b][/size][hr]I feel like I'm in slow motion. A helicopter sounds like it is just above my head with its choppers going constantly. The pressure mounts in my sinus cavities and fills every whole from my brain to my face. I can't concentrate on anything and everyday tasks become burdens. I couldn't imagine dealing with sinus headaches on a regular basis. Nobody wants to go around feeling like that. Life's hard enough without your head beating like a drum.

[size=large][b]Every Year, Millions of People Suffer from Sinus Infections[/b][/size][hr]Sinusitis is another name for sinus infection. A sinus infection is simply an inflammation or complications of untreated sinusitis cavities. The sinus cavities are hollow air pockets inside of our head. Big Grin.

[list][*]Sometimes it can be very difficult to tell whether or not you have a sinus infection or something else.[*]There are many common symptoms of a sinus infection that you should review to help you determine what is causing your discomfort.[*]You actually learn more about Sinuses Throat only with more reading on matters pertaining to it.[*]So the more articles you read like this, the more you learn about Sinuses Throat. Smile[*]Some other common sinus infection symptoms include fever, weakness, tiredness, coughing and nasal congestion.[*]In addition, drainage of mucus from the sinuses down the back of the throat can cause a sore throat.[*]This is a condition called postnasal drip.[/list]

Sinusitis produces a unique set of symptoms that depends upon which of the particular sinuses is being affected. One common characteristic of sinusitis is experiencing a headache upon waking in the morning. If you experience pain in the forehead, it could indicate an infection of the frontal sinuses. An infection in the maxillary sinuses can cause your cheeks to be sore to the touch and can also create toothaches. The ethmoid sinuses are located near the corner of the eyes and inflammation of the ethmoid sinus cavities can lead to swelling of the eyelids and the tissues surrounding the eyes. Inflammation of the ethmoid sinuses can also cause soreness or tenderness to the sides of the nose, a stuffy nose or even a loss of the sense of smell. You must have searched high and low for some matter for Ethmoid Sinus, isn't it? That is the main reason we compiled this article for you to get that required matter!

[list][*]Is important to be aware that most people who have sinus infections experience pain or tenderness in multiple locations.[*]Furthermore, the symptoms don't usually give a clear definition of which particular sinuses are affected.[*]The sphenoid sinuses are the least frequently affected of the sinuses.[*]When the sphenoid sinuses do become infected, it can lead to earaches or neck pain.[/list]

[size=large][b]Sinus Infections, in Themselves, are Painful[/b][/size][hr]You can very well imagine how painful a severe sinus infection can be. Dealing with such discomforting pain for a few days, or at the most a week or so, is still bearable. But those suffering from such sinus infections bear this pain for anywhere between two to three months or even more.

Though time consuming and painful, what is like a silver lining is the fact that a severe sinus infection can be treated with the plenty of options available! It is the normal style of writers to add additional information with the intention of lengthening the length of an article. However, we have provided a short and concise article with only required information on Sinus Infections.

Whereas an acute sinus infection, that lasts between a few days to a week or so, can be treated with time-tested home remedies, a severe sinus infection, lasting more than a month and recurring frequently, needs the doctors' consultation and medication. The treatment may begin with antibiotics, followed by decongestants and nasal sprays. If all these do not prove effective, a surgery can be resorted to.

[list][*]Thus, a severe sinus infection can hamper your routine life due to the symptoms that last for a longer duration.[*]This makes it inevitable to understand and recognize the symptoms of such an infection so as to ensure timely treatment.[*]We were rather indecisive on where to stop in our writings of Sinus Infection.[*]We just went on writing and writing to give a long article.[*]Other than the above mentioned symptoms, you can also suffer from a pain in the teeth, ears and the jaws.[*]The symptoms of a sinus infection are not the same for one and all.[*]They vary from person to person depending on the type of sinus one is suffering from.[*]An important thing to be mentioned here is that it may so happen that not all the symptoms occur at the same time.[*]So even if you experience only a few of the symptoms, do consult a doctor.[*]We have not actually resorted to roundabout means of getting our message on Sinusitis through to you.[*]All the matter here is genuine and to the point.[/list]

[i]Some of the common symptoms of such sinus infections include pressure near the eyes and nose accompanied with a pain, a thick discharge from the nose, breathing difficulties and a severe headache.[/i]

[list][*]Have you ever felt like your head is going to explode?[*]Felt intense pressure behind your eyes making it next to impossible to concentrate.[*]Had headaches, pain in the upper jaws, fever, coughs and runny nose?[*]If your answer is yes, then you could be suffering from Sinus infection.[/list]

Sinusitis can be treated with the right dose of antibiotics usually from fourteen to twenty-one days of continued medication. After that, another week is devoted to continued intake of the antibiotics even after the symptoms have disappeared. However, immediate measures have to taken if the medication causes negative effects. A change in medicine can be done. Sinusitis that have come to the chronic stage may sometimes be caused not by bacteria but by fungus making it prudent to have a sample of the infected material to determine the real culprit and be able to decide which antibiotic is best suited for the condition.

Preventing the occurrence of sinus infections require the appropriate amounts of rest, a well-balanced diet, and exercise can help the body function at its most efficient level and maintain a general resistance to infections. Eliminating environmental factors, such as climate and pollutants, is not always possible, but they can often be controlled. As always, it is good to have preventive measures undertaken to decrease your chances of contracting this disease. Like what they say, 'An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.' The initial stages of this article on Sinuses proved to be difficult. However, with hard work and perseverance, we have succeeded in providing an interesting and informative article for you to read.

Having a strong constitution and immune system is our best defense against diseases like this and it is of outmost importance to know the factors that can weaken it. You may be inquisitive as to where we got the matter for writing this article on Sinus Infection. Of course through our general knowledge, and the Internet!

According to Mark Cichocki, our sinuses are air pockets located inside the bones in the skull. They are located to either side of the nose (maxillary), behind and in between the eyes (ethmoid), in the forehead (frontal), and there is one much further back in the head (sphenoid). These spaces contain mucus that drains by way of small pin holes in the sinuses. When these sinuses grow swollen and prevents the proper drain of mucus, sinusitis is the result. Sinusitis attacks may last until 12 weeks or more depending on the gravity of the infection. Unlike colds which is viral, sinusitis may sometimes be caused by bacteria. The accumulated mucus from the plugged sinuses serves as the breeding ground for these microorganisms. At least 30% of the population suffers from sinusitis each year. The value of this composition is achieved if after reading it, your knowledge on Sinus is greatly influenced. This is how we find out that the meaning of Sinus has really entered you!

There are four pairs of sinusitis in our skull namely- Frontal sinuses, Ethmoid sinuses, maxillary sinuses and sphenoid sinuses. Normally, instead of creating any problem, they help in many functions like providing insulation to the skull, resonance to voice and in reducing the weight of the skull. They are vulnerable to bacterial infection and when bacteria or other microorganism infect, one experiences some problems and the condition is called sinusitis. There are some symptoms of this infection called the sinusitis symptoms. Smile

You will experience nasal congestion and there may be a discharge with thick pus, which may be yellowish-green or simply yellowish in color.You may also experience pain in teeth when you bend downwards. The symptoms may vary depending on the intensity of the problem.The symptoms may continue for more than 10 days and they worsen after 5-6 days from infestation. Sometimes patients may experience severe headache along with nasal congestion. They may also experience pain in some particular areas of the face.The eyes may appear red, bulge a little and may be painful.You may also experience some kind of irritation in your nose.Some patients are reported to experience double vision too.Fever with persistent cough is also a common sinusitis symptom.You may feel fatigued and experience a lack of response due to decongestants or antihistamines.Most common symptoms are too much sneezing, muscle ache, throat infection, and nasal drippings. We hope you develop a better understanding of Sinuses on completion of this article on Sinuses. Only if the article is understood is it's benefit reached.


[list][*]Generally, when you are infested by cold or flu, the viral attack causes some sinusitis symptoms but they are very common to all.[*]On the other hand, if bacteria attack you, the symptoms will not include flu or even cold.[*]If bacteria infect your sinuses you will have the following sinusitis symptoms: The title of this composition could be rightly be Sinusitis Symptoms.[*]This is because what is mentioned here is mostly about Sinusitis Symptoms. [/list]

[size=large][b]Sinusitis Occurs in Children, the Symptoms May be Different from Adults[/b][/size][hr]Since children are likely to develop ethmoid sinuses located near eyes, they would feel pain in eyes, facial areas, headache, persistent nasal discharge, daytime cough, and fever. Their symptoms become very much severe when they are 3-4 days old. Some children may also experience vomiting, irritability, gagging on mucus, and body pain. If such sinusitis symptoms are seen in children or an adult they must immediately consult ENT specialists to cure the ailment.

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